

The appendix type defines appendices to regulation. It consists of the following elements:

  1. appendixTitle, a string giving the title of the appendix
  2. either 0 or 1 tableOfContents elements
  3. zero or more appendixSection elements

In addition, the appendix element supports the following attributes:

  1. appendixLetter, a string containing the letter by which the appendix is identified
  2. label, a string containing an identifier by which the appendix can be referenced
<appendix appendixLetter="A" label="1004-A">
	<appendixTitle>Appendix A to Part 1004</appendixTitle>
	<appendixSection appendixSecNum="1" label="1004-A-1">

View schema code

<complexType name="Appendix">
		<element name="appendixTitle" type="tns:AppendixHeader"></element>
		<choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
			<element ref="tns:tableOfContents"></element>
		<choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
			<!-- <element ref="tns:appendixHeader"></element>  -->
			<element name="reserved" type="string"></element>
			<element ref="tns:appendixSection"></element>
	<attribute name="appendixLetter" type="string" use="required"></attribute>
	<attribute name="label" type="string" use="required"></attribute>


The appendixSection type defines a section of an appendix. It consists of the following elements:

  1. subject, a string containing the section title
  2. zero or more appendixHeader elements optionally followed by paragraph elements

In addition the appendixSection element supports the following attributes:

  1. appendixSecNum, an integer indicating the section number
  2. label, a string containing a unique identifier by which the section can be referenced
<appendixSection appendixSecNum="1" label="1004-A-1">
	<subject>§ 1004.1 Authority, Purpose, and Scope</subject>
	<appendixHeader>1(c) Scope</appendixHeader>
	<paragraph marker="1">
		<title>Application received before July 22, 2011.</title>

View schema code

<complexType name="AppendixSection">
		<element name="subject" type="string"></element>
		<choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
			<element ref="tns:appendixHeader"></element>
			<element ref="tns:paragraph"></element>
	<attribute name="appendixSecNum" type="string" use="required"></attribute>
	<attribute name="label" type="string" use="required"></attribute>


The appendixHeader element is a wrapper type for a string element.

<appendixHeader>2(a) Alternative Mortgage Transaction</appendixHeader>

View schema code

<simpleType name="AppendixHeader">
	<restriction base="string"></restriction>

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