
The preamble to a regulation contains descriptive information about the regulation. It consists of the following elements:

  1. agency, a string that identifies the agency which issued the regulation
  2. cfr, a complex element that supports the following sub-elements:
  3. title, an integer identifying the CFR title containing the regulation
  4. section, an integer identifying the CFR section containing the regulation
  5. effectiveDate, the date on which the regulation takes effect
  <agency>Consumer Financial Protection Bureau</agency>
  <depdoc>[Docket No. CFPB-2011-0004]</depdoc>
  <rin>RIN 3170-AA04</rin>

View schema code

<complexType name="Preamble">
		<element name="agency" type="string"></element>
		<element name="cfr">
					<element name="title" type="int"></element>
					<element name="section" type="int"></element>
<!-- 			<element name="depdoc" type="string"></element> -->
<!-- 			<element name="rin" type="string"></element> -->
<!-- 			<element name="summary"> -->
<!-- 				<complexType> -->
<!-- 					<sequence> -->
<!-- 						<element name="header" type="string"></element> -->
<!-- 						<element name="content" type="string"></element> -->
<!-- 					</sequence> -->
<!-- 				</complexType> -->
<!-- 			</element> -->
		<element name="effectiveDate" type="date"></element>

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