Getting Started

Capital Framework provides a set of modular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript patterns that can be used both collectively and individually. There are several ways to integrate Capital Framework into your project:

  1. Using the generator
  2. Using Less
  3. Downloading the compiled CSS

Our recommended workflow is to use the generator to scaffold out a new Capital Framework project. This allows you to pick and choose your modules as well as providing a solid front end build process.

Using the generator

To use the generator, you will need Node.js, Yeoman, and Gulp.

Installing dependencies

Node.js can be downloaded and installed directly from the Node website, or by using a package manager for your system. At the CFPB we use Homebrew. To install the dependencies:

brew install node  # if installing node with Homebrew
npm install --global gulp yo generator-cf

Scaffolding out a project

To create a new project, create a directory, cd into that directory, and run the yo cf command:

mkdir my-awesome-project
cd my-awesome-project
yo cf

The generator will prompt you to complete information about the project and choose the Capital Framework modules you would like to use.

Once the generator has finished you’ll have a folder full of files and folders. Here’s a quick guide on working with these files:

  • Run npm run build to process the files in src and output them to dist.
  • To view your site, go to the dist directory and start a local server: cd dist && python -m SimpleHTTPServer. You can now navigate to localhost:8000 in your web browser.
  • Edit files within the src directory and re-run npm run build to view changes.

Editing the Less and JS

The generator has created a starter Less file at src/static/css/main.less. This file includes all of the necessary imports needed for Capital Framework. There is also a starter JavaScript file at src/static/js/main.js. Both main.less and main.js are already wired into Gruntfile.js (or gulp/tasks/ if you selected gulp) so compiling is as easy as running npm run build. It also copies files from src into dist, which will update what you see at localhost:8000/.

Theming / Customizing

You can override component UI colors within src/static/css/cf-theme-overrides.less. This is already set up for you and gets imported by main.less. If you would like to use your own color palette simply replace the contents of brand-palette.less with your own color variables, then update cf-theme-overrides.less by overriding each UI color variable with a color from brand-palette.less or any color of your choosing.

The same applies when you need to add custom styles to your project. You can add any custom .less files to your project that you may need, just remember to import them in main.less using the correct path.

Using Less

If you don’t want to use the generator, you can just download the source files and import them into your project.

NOTE: Be sure to run the Less files through Autoprefixer, or your compiled Capital Framework CSS will not work perfectly in older browsers.

Run npm install capital-framework. This will download Capital Framework to your project’s node_modules directory. You can then import the framework into your application’s primary Less file:

@import (less) 'node_modules/capital-framework/src/capital-framework.less';

/* the rest of your stylesheet… */

Just want one or two CF components and not the entire framework? Simply install and @import only the components you need.

npm install cf-buttons cf-icons
@import (less) 'node_modules/cf-buttons/src/cf-buttons.less';
@import (less) 'node_modules/cf-icons/src/cf-icons.less';

/* the rest of your stylesheet… */

Downloading the compiled CSS

Capital Framework’s compiled CSS can be downloaded here. Download it and copy the files found in the dist/ directory to your project. Use standard <link> and <script> tags.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My Awesome Project</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="capital-framework.min.css">
    <!-- Your project's HTML goes here. -->
    <script src="capital-framework.min.js"></script>