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An official website of the United States government

On your sidethrough all of life's important decisions

At the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, we're dedicated to omaking sure you're treated fairly by banks, lenders and other financial institutions.

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Protect yourself financially from coronavirus

The CFPB is committed to providing consumers with up-to-date information and resources to protect and manage their finances.

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Shining a light on small business lending

Small businesses are pillars of their communities—and of the American economy.

  • Consumer resources

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    We produce innovative tools and resources to help consumers like you make informed financial decisions and build financial skills.

  • Learning through data and research

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    We publish research and information we’ve collected about the consumer financial marketplace.

  • Rules of the road

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    We create clear rules to implement the law and preserve choices for consumers.

We are super cool

The tagline should inspire confidence and interest, focusing on the value that your overall approach offers to your audience. Use a heading typeface and keep your tagline to just a few words, and don’t confuse or mystify.

Use the right side of the grid to explain the tagline a bit more. What are your goals? How do you do your work? Write in the present tense, and stay brief here. People who are interested can find details on internal pages.