Django templates

Django-Flags provides a template tag library that can be used to evaluate flags in Django templates.

{% load feature_flags %}

Checking state


Returns True if a flag is enabled, otherwise returns False.

{% flag_enabled 'MY_FLAG' as my_flag %}
{% if my_flag %}
  <div class="m-global-banner">
    I’m the result of a feature flag.   
{% endif %}


Returns True if a flag is disabled, otherwise returns False.

{% flag_disabled 'MY_FLAG' as my_flag %}
{% if my_flag %}
  <div class="m-global-banner">
    I’m the result of a feature flag that is not enabled.
{% endif %}

If a request exists in the current context, it will be passed to any conditions that use it.

Passing additional arguments

Some conditions take additional keyword arguments. For example, you could pass a page object:

{% flag_enabled 'MY_FLAG_THAT_CHECKS_PAGE' page=page as my_flag %}
{% if my_flag %}
  This flag with a condition that uses the page object evaluated to True.
{% endif %}