Flag state

from flags.state import (


If any of the flag state checking functions below is used at the top-level of a module (in urls.py, for example), it will be evaluated at import-time. This may have unintended consequences. Database flag conditions may not be available, custom conditions may not be registered, and any dynamic change in flag state (such as date-based conditions or a newly added database condition) will not have an effect.

Consider using the flagged URLs API for state-checking in urls.py, the view decorators and the class-based view mixin for state-checking Django views, and using the state checking functions below inside methods and functions. This will have the added benefit of ensuring that the intention is clear, and that flagged code is as tightly-scoped as possible.

Checking state

flag_state(flag_name, **kwargs)

Return the value for the flag (True or False) by passing kwargs to its conditions. If the flag does not exist, this will return None so that existence can be introspected but will still evaluate to False.

Requiring state

flag_enabled(flag_name, **kwargs)

Returns True if a flag is enabled by passing kwargs to its conditions, otherwise returns False.

if flag_enabled('MY_FLAG', request=a_request):
    print("My feature flag is enabled")

flag_disabled(flag_name, **kwargs)

Returns True if a flag is disabled by passing kwargs to its conditions, otherwise returns False.

if flag_disabled('MY_FLAG', request=a_request):
    print(“My feature flag is disabled”)

Setting state

enable_flag(flag_name, create_boolean_condition=True, request=None)

Enable a flag by adding or setting an existing database boolean condition to True. If the flag has other required conditions, those will take precedence.

If create_boolean_condition is False, and a boolean database condition does not already exist, a ValueError will be raised.

disable_flag(flag_name, create_boolean_condition=True, request=None)

Disable a flag by adding or setting an existing database boolean condition to False. If the flag has other required conditions, those will take precedence.

If create_boolean_condition is False, and a boolean database condition does not already exist, a ValueError will be raised.