List of all fees for XYZ Prepaid Card

Get started
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Card purchase fee $3.95
Monthly usage
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Monthly fee $5.99 Monthly fee is waived in any month in which you receive a direct deposit or conduct at least 30 transactions.
Add money
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Direct deposit $0.50
Cash reload $3.99 Fees of up to $3.99 may apply when reloading your card at XYZ reload agents. Locations may be found at
Spend money
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Bill payment (regular delivery) $0.50 Bill pay available when you log in to your account at or using the XYZ Bank mobile app. Regular bill pay transactions will be completed within 3 business days for electronic payments and within approximately 7 days if we have to mail a paper check to pay your bill.
Bill payment (expedited delivery) $1.00 Bill pay available when you log in to your account at or using the XYZ Bank mobile app. Expedited bill pay transactions will be completed within 1 business day. Electronic payments only.
Get cash
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ATM withdrawal (in-network) $0 “In-network” refers to the XYZ Bank ATM Network. Locations can be found at
ATM withdrawal (out-of-network) $1.99 This is our fee. We will not charge you this fee for your first 3 out-of-network ATM withdrawals each month. “Out-of-network” refers to all the ATMs outside of the XYZ Bank ATM Network. You may also be charged a fee by the ATM operator, even if you do not complete a transaction.
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Customer service (automated) $0 No fee for calling our automated customer service line, including for balance inquiries.
Customer service (live agent) $0.50 Per call. First 3 calls per month are free.
ATM balance inquiry (in-network) $0 “In-network” refers to the XYZ Bank ATM Network. Locations can be found at
ATM balance inquiry (out-of-network) $0.50 This is our fee. “Out-of-network” refers to all the ATMs outside of the XYZ Bank ATM Network. You may also be charged a fee by the ATM operator.
Using your card outside the U.S.
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International transaction 3% Of the U.S. dollar amount of each transaction.
International ATM withdrawal $3.00 This is our fee. You may also be charged a fee by the ATM operator, even if you do not complete a transaction.
International ATM balance inquiry $2.00 This is our fee. You may also be charged a fee by the ATM operator.
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Inactivity $1.00 You will be charged $1.00 each month after you have not completed a transaction using your card for 12 months.

Register your card for FDIC insurance eligibility and other protections. Your funds will be held at or transferred to XYZ Bank, an FDIC-insured institution. Once there, your funds are insured up to $250,000 by the FDIC in the event XYZ Bank fails, if specific deposit insurance requirements are met and your card is registered. See for details.

No overdraft/credit feature.

Contact XYZ Prepaid Company by calling 1-800-555-5555, by mail at 555 Street Name, Anytown, NY, or visit

For general information about prepaid accounts, visit
If you have a complaint about a prepaid account, call the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at 1-855-411-2372 or visit