Code of Conduct

The following guidelines are workplace norms we will be following at this event. For questions or concerns, contact the organizers:,,,

We will value diversity and inclusion

  • Respect the value of all roles and disciplines
  • Recognize how one's own background, experiences, and values influence interactions with others
  • Solicit, consider, and integrate diverse perspectives and viewpoints including those that challenge the status quo
  • Actively build diverse networks to consistently access varied perspectives
  • Speak up when noticing that others have not been included

We will treat each other as partners, not adversaries

  • Treat each other honestly and civilly
  • Listen and learn – everyone here knows something you do not
  • Assume the best intent – and remember, intent does not equal impact
  • Seek to understand and address underlying concerns, issues and perspectives
    • Ask open-ended questions
    • Listen to understand, not wait for your turn to speak
    • Look for options that meet needs and make tradeoffs where needed
  • Resolve issues constructively
    • Attend meetings where decisions are made
    • Speak directly about concerns
    • Honor communications and decision-making protocols

We will hold ourselves and each other accountable for these norms

  • Be the change you wish to see — do not wait for others to act
  • Hold ourselves accountable first — look to my own contribution first, honestly and with humility
  • Expect mistakes as we learn — treat mistakes as integral to learning
    • Learn from mistakes and move on
    • Be compassionate to others as they make mistakes — and ourselves
  • Learn by receiving feedback with a willingness to be influenced rather than challenge or defend
  • Give clear feedback, within two days when others fall and when they do well:
    • Situation (a specific email, meeting, conversation, event)
    • Behavior (what you said, did, wrote, etc.)
    • Impact (what it meant, implied, created for others)
    • Request (please continue this, start something else, stop doing that)