
A set of HTML and CSS layout helpers.

cf-core and cf-grid components are dependencies of this component.

NOTE: If you use cf-layout.less directly, be sure to run the file through Autoprefixer, or your compiled Capital Framework CSS will not work perfectly in older browsers.

Table of contents


Component variables are used to theme a component. They likely will be left as is, but if needed can be overwritten by duplicating the variable in a @key: value format with a different value. This customized variable would be placed in the same file where this component’s less file is imported.

Color variables

Color variables referenced in comments are from cf-core cf-brand-colors.less.

// .block
@block__bg:                 @gray-5;
@block__border:             @gray-40;
@block__border-top:         @gray-40;
@block__border-right:       @gray-40;
@block__border-bottom:      @gray-40;
@block__border-left:        @gray-40;

// .content_main
@content_main-border:       @gray-40;

// .content_sidebar
@content_sidebar-bg:        @gray-5;
@content_sidebar-border:    @gray-40;

// .content_line
@content_line:              @gray-40;

// .grid_column__top-divider
@grid_column__top-divider:  @gray-40;

// .grid_column__top-divider
@grid_column__left-divider: @gray-40;

// Hero variables
@hero-bg:                   @gray-5;
@hero-knockout-bg:          @gray;
@hero-knockout-text:        @white;

// Featured Content Module variables
@fcm-bg:                    @block__bg;

Sizing variables

// Hero variables
@hero-desktop-height: 285px;

Standard content formats

Content line

A 1 pixel edge to edge bar that can divide content.

<div class="content_line"></div>

Main content and sidebar

Standard layout for the main content area and sidebar.

By default .content_main and .content_sidebar stack vertically. When using the modifiers described below to create columns, the columns will remain stacked for smaller screens and then convert to to columns at 801px.

Inline styling is for demonstration purposes only; do not include it in your markup.

Content hero
Main content area
<main class="content" role="main">
    <section class="content_hero" style="background: #E3E4E5">
        Content hero
    <div class="content_wrapper">
        <section class="content_main">
            Main content area
        <aside class="content_sidebar" style="background: #F1F2F2">

Left-hand navigation layout

Add a class of .content__L-R to main.content to determine the width ratio of .content_main and .content_sidebar, where ‘L’ is the left-hand item and ‘R’ is the right-hand item. The two common configurations are 1-3 (sidebar on the left, content on the right, in a ratio of 1:3) and 2-1 (content on the left, sidebar on the right, in a ratio of 2:1).

It is assumed that the content is wider than the sidebar.

Main content area

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cum corrupti tempora nam nihil qui mollitia consectetur corporis nemo culpa dolorum! Laborum at eos deleniti consequatur itaque officiis debitis quisquam! Provident!

<main class="content content__1-3" role="main">
    <div class="content_line"></div>
    <div class="content_wrapper">
        <aside class="content_sidebar">
            Section navigation
        <section class="content_main">
            <h2>Main content area</h2>
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
                Cum corrupti tempora nam nihil qui mollitia consectetur
                corporis nemo culpa dolorum! Laborum at eos deleniti
                consequatur itaque officiis debitis quisquam! Provident!
<footer class="footer" role="contentinfo">
    <div class="wrapper">

Right-hand sidebar layout

Add a class of .content__L-R to main.content to determine the width ratio of .content_main and .content_sidebar, where ‘L’ is the left-hand item and ‘R’ is the right-hand item. The two common configurations are 1-3 (sidebar on the left, content on the right, in a ratio of 1:3) and 2-1 (content on the left, sidebar on the right, in a ratio of 2:1).

It is assumed that the content is wider than the sidebar.

Inline styling is for demonstration purposes only; do not include it in your markup.

Main content area

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cum corrupti tempora nam nihil qui mollitia consectetur corporis nemo culpa dolorum! Laborum at eos deleniti consequatur itaque officiis debitis quisquam! Provident!

<main class="content content__2-1" role="main">
    <div class="content_line"></div>
    <div class="content_wrapper">
        <section class="content_main">
            <h2>Main content area</h2>
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
                Cum corrupti tempora nam nihil qui mollitia consectetur
                corporis nemo culpa dolorum! Laborum at eos deleniti
                consequatur itaque officiis debitis quisquam! Provident!
        <aside class="content_sidebar" style="background: #F1F2F2">
<footer class="footer" role="contentinfo">
    <div class="wrapper">

Bleedbar sidebar styling

Simply add class .content__bleedbar to main.content. Only supports sidebars on the right, for now.

Note that inline styling is for demonstration purposes only; do not include it in your markup.

Content hero
Main content area
<main class="content content__2-1 content__bleedbar" role="main">
    <section class="content_hero" style="background: #E3E4E5">
        Content hero
    <div class="content_line"></div>
    <div class="content_wrapper">
        <section class="content_main">
            Main content area
        <aside class="content_sidebar">
            Bleeding sidebar

Narrow content column option

Add a class of .content_main__narrow to .content_main to get a one-column (in a 12-column grid) gutter on the right side.

Inline styling is for demonstration purposes only; do not include it in your markup.

Main content area

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cum corrupti tempora nam nihil qui mollitia consectetur corporis nemo culpa dolorum! Laborum at eos deleniti consequatur itaque officiis debitis quisquam! Provident!

<main class="content content__2-1" role="main">
    <div class="content_line"></div>
    <div class="content_wrapper">
        <section class="content_main content_main__narrow">
            <h2>Main content area</h2>
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
                Cum corrupti tempora nam nihil qui mollitia consectetur
                corporis nemo culpa dolorum! Laborum at eos deleniti
                consequatur itaque officiis debitis quisquam! Provident!
        <aside class="content_sidebar" style="background: #F1F2F2">
<footer class="footer" role="contentinfo">
    <div class="wrapper">

Flush bottom modifier

Add a class of .content__flush-bottom to .content_main or .content_sidebar to remove bottom padding.

Main content with no bottom padding...
.content__flush-bottom is very useful when you have a content block inside of .content_main with a background and flush sides.
<main class="content content__1-3" role="main">
    <div class="content_line"></div>
    <div class="content_wrapper">
        <aside class="content_sidebar content__flush-bottom">
            Side with no bottom padding...
        <section class="content_main content__flush-bottom">
            Main content with no bottom padding...
            <div class="block
                .content__flush-bottom is very useful when you have a
                content block inside of .content_main with a background
                and flush sides.
<footer class="footer" role="contentinfo">
    <div class="wrapper">

Flush top modifier (only on small screens)

Add a class of .content__flush-top-on-small to .content_main or .content_sidebar to remove top padding on small screens only. ‘Small’ screens in this case refers to the breakpoint where .content_main and .content_sidebar single column layout.

Main content
<main class="content content__1-3" role="main">
    <div class="content_line"></div>
    <div class="content_wrapper">
        <aside class="content_sidebar content__flush-top-on-small">
            Side with no top padding on small screens...
        <section class="content_main">
            Main content
<footer class="footer" role="contentinfo">
    <div class="wrapper">

Flush all modifier (only on small screens)

Add a class of .content__flush-all-on-small to .content_main or .content_sidebar to remove all padding and border-based gutters on small screens only. ‘Small’ screens in this case refers to the breakpoint where .content_main and .content_sidebar single column layout.

Main content
<main class="content content__1-3" role="main">
    <div class="content_line"></div>
    <div class="content_wrapper">
        <aside class="content_sidebar content__flush-all-on-small">
            Side with no padding or border-based gutters on small screens...
        <section class="content_main">
            Main content
<footer class="footer" role="contentinfo">
    <div class="wrapper">

Custom content layouts

The content-l (“content layout”) class can be used to lay content out in a grid.

Full-width column (spans 12 columns)
Half-width column (spans 6/12 columns)
Half-width column (spans 6/12 columns)
Third-width column (spans 4/12 columns)
Third-width column (spans 4/12 columns)
Third-width column (spans 4/12 columns)
Two thirds-width column (spans 8/12 columns)
Third-width column (spans 4/12 columns)
Quarter width column (spans 3/12 columns)
Three-quarter width column (spans 9/12 columns)
<div class="content-l">
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1">
        <div style="background: #F1F2F2;
                    text-align: center;
                    padding: 8px;
                    margin-bottom: 4px;">
            Full-width column (spans 12 columns)
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1-2">
        <div style="background: #F1F2F2;
                    text-align: center;
                    padding: 8px;
                    margin-bottom: 4px;">
            Half-width column (spans 6/12 columns)
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1-2">
        <div style="background: #F1F2F2;
                    text-align: center;
                    padding: 8px;
                    margin-bottom: 4px;">
            Half-width column (spans 6/12 columns)
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1-3">
        <div style="background: #F1F2F2;
                    text-align: center;
                    padding: 8px;
                    margin-bottom: 4px;">
            Third-width column (spans 4/12 columns)
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1-3">
        <div style="background: #F1F2F2;
                    text-align: center;
                    padding: 8px;
                    margin-bottom: 4px;">
            Third-width column (spans 4/12 columns)
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1-3">
        <div style="background: #F1F2F2;
                    text-align: center;
                    padding: 8px;
                    margin-bottom: 4px;">
            Third-width column (spans 4/12 columns)
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-2-3">
        <div style="background: #F1F2F2;
                    text-align: center;
                    padding: 8px;
                    margin-bottom: 4px;">
            Two thirds-width column (spans 8/12 columns)
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1-3">
        <div style="background: #F1F2F2;
                    text-align: center;
                    padding: 8px;
                    margin-bottom: 4px;">
            Third-width column (spans 4/12 columns)
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1-4">
        <div style="background: #F1F2F2;
                    text-align: center;
                    padding: 8px;">
            Quarter width column (spans 3/12 columns)
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-3-4">
        <div style="background: #F1F2F2;
                    text-align: center;
                    padding: 8px;">
            Three-quarter width column (spans 9/12 columns)

Large gutters modifier

Full-width column (spans 12 columns)
Half-width column (spans 6/12 columns)
Half-width column (spans 6/12 columns)
<div class="content-l content-l__main  content-l__large-gutters">
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1">
        <div style="background: #F1F2F2;
                    text-align: center;
                    padding: 8px;
                    margin-bottom: 4px;">
            Full-width column (spans 12 columns)
<div class="content-l content-l__main  content-l__large-gutters">
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1-2">
        <div style="background: #F1F2F2;
                    text-align: center;
                    padding: 8px;
                    margin-bottom: 4px;">
            Half-width column (spans 6/12 columns)
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1-2">
        <div style="background: #F1F2F2;
                    text-align: center;
                    padding: 8px;
                    margin-bottom: 4px;">
            Half-width column (spans 6/12 columns)

Content layout column dividers

Adds dividers between specified .content-l_col-X-X classes.

Layout dividers work in conjunction with .content-l_col-X-X elements and have specific needs depending on which column element variant they are attached to. For example .content-l_col-1-2 has different divider needs than .content-l_col-1-3 because they may break to single columns at different breakpoints.

Dividers use absolute positioning relative to the .content-l element and depend on .content-l using position: relative;. This allows vertical dividers to span the height of the tallest column. Just be aware that if you have more than one row of columns, and each row has columns of different widths, the borders will cause unwanted overlapping since they will span the height of the entire .content-l element.

Placeholder image
Half-width column (spans 6/12 columns)
Placeholder image
Half-width column (spans 6/12 columns)

Third-width column (spans 4/12 columns)
Third-width column (spans 4/12 columns)
Third-width column (spans 4/12 columns)
<div class="content-l content-l__large-gutters">
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1-2">
        <img src="" alt="Placeholder image">
        Half-width column (spans 6/12 columns)
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1-2 content-l_col__before-divider">
        <img src="" alt="Placeholder image">
        Half-width column (spans 6/12 columns)
<!-- Starting a new .content-l so that the dividers from
     won't overlap the .content-l_col-1-3 columns. -->
<div class="content-l content-l__large-gutters">
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1-3">
        Third-width column (spans 4/12 columns)
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1-3 content-l_col__before-divider">
        Third-width column (spans 4/12 columns)
    <div class="content-l_col content-l_col-1-3 content-l_col__before-divider">
        Third-width column (spans 4/12 columns)


.block is a base class with several modifiers that help you separate chunks of content via margin, padding, border, and background.

Standard block example

The standard .block class by itself simply adds a margin of twice the gutter width to the top and bottom.

Main content…

Content block
Content block
Content block
Main content...
<div class="block">
    Content block
<div class="block">
    Content block
<div class="block">
    Content block

Border-top modifier

Adds top border to .block.

Main content…

Content block with top border.
Main content...
<div class="block block__border-top">
    Content block with top border.

Border-right modifier

Adds right border to .block.

Main content…

Content block with right border.
Main content...
<div class="block block__border-right">
    Content block with right border.

Border-bottom modifier

Adds bottom border to .block.

Main content…

Content block with bottom border.
Main content...
<div class="block block__border-bottom">
    Content block with bottom border.

Border-left modifier

Adds left border to .block.

Main content…

Content block with left border.
Main content...
<div class="block block__border-left">
    Content block with left border.

Border modifier

Adds border on all sides to .block.

Main content…

Content block with borders on all sides.
Main content...
<div class="block block__border">
    Content block with borders on all sides.

Flush-top modifier

Removes the top margin from .block.

Main content…

Content block with no top margin.
Content block
Main content...
<div class="block block__flush-top">
    Content block with no top margin.
<div class="block">
    Content block

Flush-bottom modifier

Removes the bottom margin from .block.

Main content…

Content block with no bottom margin.
Content block
Main content...
<div class="block block__flush-bottom">
    Content block with no bottom margin.
<div class="block">
    Content block

Flush-sides modifier

Removes the side margin from .block. Typically used in conjunction with .block__bg to create a ‘well’ whose background extends into the left and right gutters. (See below.)

Main content...
<main class="content content__1-3" role="main">
    <div class="content_wrapper">
        <aside class="content_sidebar">
            Section navigation
        <section class="content_main">
            Main content...
            <aside class="block block__flush-sides">
                Content block with no side margins.

Flush modifier

Removes the side, top, and bottom margin from .block.

Main content...
<main class="content content__1-3" role="main">
    <div class="content_wrapper">
        <aside class="content_sidebar">
            Section navigation
        <section class="content_main">
            Main content...
            <aside class="block block__flush">
                Content block with no margins.

Background modifier

Adds a background color and padding to .block. Setup for (ems-equivalent) 30px padding on top and 60px on bottom.

Main content…

Content block with a background
Main content...
<div class="block block__bg">
    Content block with a background

Background and flush-sides modifier combo example

This is an example of combining modifiers to get a flush padding and background with a .block.

Main content...
Content block with a background and flush sides
<main class="content content__1-3" role="main">
    <div class="content_wrapper">
        <aside class="content_sidebar">
            Section navigation
        <section class="content_main content__flush-bottom">
            Main content...
            <div class="block block__flush-sides block__bg">
                Content block with a background and flush sides

Padded-top modifier

Breaks top margin into margin and padding. Useful in combination with block__border-top to add padding between .block contents and border.

Main content…

Content block with reduced top margin and added top padding and border.
Main content...
<div class="block block__padded-top block__border-top">
    Content block with reduced top margin and added top padding
    and border.

Padded-bottom modifier

Breaks bottom margin into margin and padding. Useful in combination with block__border-bottom to add padding between .block contents and border.

Main content…

Content block with reduced bottom margin and added bottom padding and border.
Main content...
<div class="block block__padded-bottom block__border-bottom">
    Content block with reduced bottom margin and added bottom padding
    and border.

Sub blocks

Useful for when you need some consistent margin between .blocks that are nested within other .blocks.

Note that the divs with inline styles are for demonstration purposes only and should not be used in production.

Sub content block
Sub content block
Sub content block
<div class="block block__sub">
    <div style="background: #F1F2F2; padding: 8px;">
        Sub content block
<div class="block block__sub">
    <div style="background: #F1F2F2; padding: 8px;">
        Sub content block
<div class="block block__sub">
    <div style="background: #F1F2F2; padding: 8px;">
        Sub content block

Mixing content blocks with content layouts

You can safely combine .block with .content-l_col to achieve a column-based layout at larger screens with no top margin and a vertical layout at smaller screens that do have margins.

Note that the divs with inline styles are for demonstration purposes only and should not be used in production.

Content block that is also a content column. Notice how my top margins only exist on smaller screens when I need to stack vertically.
Content block that is also a content column. Notice how my top margins only exist on smaller screens when I need to stack vertically.
<div class="content-l">
    <div class="block content-l_col content-l_col-1-2">
        <div style="background: #F1F2F2; padding: 8px;">
            Content block that is also a content column.
            Notice how my top margins only exist on smaller screens when
            I need to stack vertically.
    <div class="block content-l_col content-l_col-1-2">
        <div style="background: #F1F2F2; padding: 8px;">
            Content block that is also a content column.
            Notice how my top margins only exist on smaller screens when
            I need to stack vertically.

cf-grid helpers

.wrapper (base)

Turns an element into a cf-grid wrapper at 801px and above. Includes some explicit declarations for Internet Explorer 8 due to the fact that it doesn’t support media queries.

<div class="wrapper">

Column divider modifiers

cf-grid columns use left and right border for fixed margin which means it’s not possible to set visual left and right borders directly on them. Instead we can use the :before pseudo element and position it absolutely. The added benefit of doing it this way is that the border spans the entire height of the next parent using position: relative;. This means that the border will always match the height of the tallest column in the row.

.my-column-1-2 {

    // Creates a column that spans 6 out of 12 columns.
    .grid_column(6, 12);

    // Add a top divider only at screen 599px and smaller.
    .respond-to-max(599px {

    // Add a left divider only at screen 600px and larger.
    .respond-to-min(600px, {


Featured content modules, like a hero, consist of headline and description, an optional call to action, and a static or video visual. They are intended to be used in a main content column next to a sidebar.

Text is full-width and displayed above the visual in the default/mobile view. When creating a static image for the visual, it should be 1076px × 606px (a 16:9 aspect ratio), which is 2x the rendered width at the maximum size at which the visual will be seen (on a 600px wide display).

At larger screen sizes, the image moves to the right of the text, occupying a fixed width of 270px (equal to 3 of 12 columns at max page width). By default, the left edge of the image is anchored to the left side of the visual’s 270px-wide area, and the right side is cropped off. The aspect ratio of the visual area increases as screen size increases, resulting in slightly different image cropping at different screen sizes, but the left edge of the image remains anchored in view. The full height of the image is always in view; the top and bottom are never cropped. See below for modifiers that change the image’s horizontal anchoring.

<section class="o-featured-content-module">
    <div class="o-featured-content-module_text">
        <h2>Featured content</h2>
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei ius adhuc inani iudico, labitur
            instructior ex pri. Cu pri inani constituto, cum aeque noster
            commodo cu.
        <a class="a-link
            <span class="a-link_text">Read more about the feature</span>
            {% include icons/right.svg %}
    <div class="o-featured-content-module_visual">
        <img class="o-featured-content-module_img"

Anchoring the visual on the right

To anchor a featured content module’s visual on the right (for example, when displaying a map with a copyright watermark on the right), add the o-featured-content-module__right modifier class to the o-featured-content-module organism. This anchors the right side of the image to the right of the available space so that the right side remains in view at all screen sizes.

<section class="o-featured-content-module
    <div class="o-featured-content-module_text">
        <h2>Featured map</h2>
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei ius adhuc inani iudico, labitur
            instructior ex pri. Cu pri inani constituto, cum aeque noster
            commodo cu.
        <a class="a-link
            <span class="a-link_text">Read more about the feature</span>
            {% include icons/right.svg %}
    <div class="o-featured-content-module_visual">
        <img class="o-featured-content-module_img"

Centering the visual

When the featured content module visual is a video, or a static image composed with its subject in the middle, add the o-featured-content-module__center modifier class to the o-featured-content-module organism. This anchors the center of the image to the center of the available space so that the focal point of the visual remains in view at all screen sizes.

<section class="o-featured-content-module
    <div class="o-featured-content-module_text">
        <h2>Featured video</h2>
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei ius adhuc inani iudico, labitur
            instructior ex pri. Cu pri inani constituto, cum aeque noster
            commodo cu.
        <a class="a-link
            <span class="a-link_text">Read more about the feature</span>
            {% include icons/right.svg %}
    <div class="o-featured-content-module_visual">
        <img class="o-featured-content-module_img"


A hero consists of a headline, a small amount of additional sub-heading text and an image. Its background color or image is flush with the sides of the screen, and the content is vertically centered.

The illustration can be customized by setting the background-image property on the .m-hero_image element.

On small screens (or where media queries are not supported), the text spans the full width of the .m-hero_wrapper and the illustration is displayed underneath.

For larger screen sizes, media queries are used to position the illustration to the right of the text.

At the grid’s maximum width and above, the hero should not exceed 285px in height. The image should be 195px in height to conform to this standard.

Standard hero with illustration

Standard hero with illustration

This text has a recommended count of 165-186 characters (three lines at 1230px) following a one-line heading and 108-124 characters (two lines at 1230px) following a two-line heading.

<section class="m-hero" id="hero1">
    <div class="m-hero_wrapper wrapper">
        <div class="m-hero_text">
            <h1 class="m-hero_heading">Standard hero with illustration</h1>
            <p class="m-hero_subhead">
                This text has a recommended count of 165-186 characters
                (three lines at 1230px) following a one-line heading
                and 108-124 characters (two lines at 1230px)
                following a two-line heading.
        <div class="m-hero_image-wrapper">
            <div class="m-hero_image"></div>
        #hero1 .m-hero_image {
            background-image: -webkit-image-set(
                url('') 1x,
                url('') 2x
            background-image: image-set(
                url('') 1x,
                url('') 2x
            filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(
            padding-bottom: 41.4893617%;

        @media screen and (min-width: 37.5625em) {
            #hero1 .m-hero_image {
                background-image: -webkit-image-set(
                    url('') 1x,
                    url('') 2x
                background-image: image-set(
                    url('') 1x,
                    url('') 2x
                filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(
                padding-bottom: 41.4893617%;

Hero with knockout text

When using a dark background add the __knockout modifier to the hero to switch the text to white.

Max of 41 chars for a one-line heading

This text has a recommended count of 165-186 characters (three lines at 1230px) following a one-line heading and 108-124 characters (two lines at 1230px) following a two-line heading.

<section class="m-hero m-hero__knockout" id="hero2">
    <div class="m-hero_wrapper wrapper">
        <div class="m-hero_text">
            <h1 class="m-hero_heading">Max of 41 chars for a one-line heading</h1>
            <p class="m-hero_subhead">
                This text has a recommended count of 165-186 characters
                (three lines at 1230px) following a one-line heading
                and 108-124 characters (two lines at 1230px)
                following a two-line heading.
        <div class="m-hero_image-wrapper">
            <div class="m-hero_image"></div>
        #hero2 {
            background-color: #207676;

        #hero2 .m-hero_image {
            background-image: -webkit-image-set(
                url('') 1x,
                url('') 2x
            background-image: image-set(
                url('') 1x,
                url('') 2x
            filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(
            padding-bottom: 41.4893617%;

        @media screen and (min-width: 37.5625em) {
            #hero2 .m-hero_image {
                background-image: -webkit-image-set(
                    url('') 1x,
                    url('') 2x
                background-image: image-set(
                    url('') 1x,
                    url('') 2x
                filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(
                padding-bottom: 41.4893617%;

Hero with a bleeding illustration

When using an illustration that bleeds top to bottom at larger screen sizes, add the __bleeding modifier to the hero and add an additional m-hero_bleeding-image as a sibling to m-hero_image

Max of 41 chars for a one-line heading

This text has a recommended count of 165-186 characters (three lines at 1230px) following a one-line heading and 108-124 characters (two lines at 1230px) following a two-line heading.

<section class="m-hero m-hero__bleeding" id="hero3">
    <div class="m-hero_wrapper wrapper">
        <div class="m-hero_text">
            <h1 class="m-hero_heading">Max of 41 chars for a one-line heading</h1>
            <p class="m-hero_subhead">
                This text has a recommended count of 165-186 characters
                (three lines at 1230px) following a one-line heading
                and 108-124 characters (two lines at 1230px)
                following a two-line heading.
        <div class="m-hero_image-wrapper">
            <div class="m-hero_image"></div>
        #hero3 .m-hero_image {
            background-image: -webkit-image-set(
                url('') 1x,
                url('') 2x
            background-image: image-set(
                url('') 1x,
                url('') 2x
            filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(
            padding-bottom: 25.1020408%;

        @media screen and (min-width: 37.5625em) {
            #hero3 .m-hero_image {
                background-image: -webkit-image-set(
                    url('') 1x,
                    url('') 2x
                background-image: image-set(
                    url('') 1x,
                    url('') 2x
                filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(

Hero with photograph

The text overlays the photograph at larger screen sizes. It’s best to avoid a non-button call to action in these, as it’s unlikely that the Pacific Blue will have accessible contrast with a non-white (or light gray) background.

Max of 41 chars for a one-line heading

This text has a recommended count of 165-186 characters (three lines at 1230px) following a one-line heading and 108-124 characters (two lines at 1230px) following a two-line heading.

<section class="m-hero m-hero__overlay" id="hero4">
    <div class="m-hero_wrapper wrapper">
        <div class="m-hero_text">
            <h1 class="m-hero_heading">Max of 41 chars for a one-line heading</h1>
            <p class="m-hero_subhead">
                This text has a recommended count of 165-186 characters
                (three lines at 1230px) following a one-line heading
                and 108-124 characters (two lines at 1230px)
                following a two-line heading.
        <div class="m-hero_image-wrapper">
            <div class="m-hero_image"></div>
        #hero4 .m-hero_image {
            background-image: -webkit-image-set(
                url('') 1x,
                url('') 2x
            background-image: image-set(
                url('') 1x,
                url('') 2x
            filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(
            padding-bottom: 41.6666667%;

        @media screen and (min-width: 37.5625em) {
            #hero4 .m-hero_wrapper{
                background-image: -webkit-image-set(
                    url('') 1x,
                    url('') 2x
                background-image: image-set(
                    url('') 1x,
                    url('') 2x
                filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(


Wells are used to highlight specific information within a designated section of a page. This breaks up the flow of content on the page and helps to emphasize and set apart the content that is included.

Well title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei ius adhuc inani iudico, labitur instructior ex pri. Cu pri inani constituto, cum aeque noster commodo cu.

<div class="o-well">
    <h4>Well title</h4>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei ius adhuc inani iudico, labitur
        instructior ex pri. Cu pri inani constituto, cum aeque noster commodo