
The cf-notifications component provides notification boxes for Capital Framework.

cf-core and cf-icons components are dependencies of this component.

NOTE: If you use cf-notifications.less directly, be sure to run the file through Autoprefixer, or your compiled Capital Framework CSS will not work perfectly in older browsers.

Table of contents


Component variables are used to theme a component. They likely will be left as is, but if needed can be overwritten by duplicating the variable in a @key: value format with a different value. This customized variable would be placed in the same file where this component’s less file is imported.

Color variables

@notification-bg:             @gray-5;
@notification-bg-success:     @green-10;
@notification-bg-warning:     @gold-10;
@notification-bg-error:       @red-10;

@notification-border:         @gray-40;
@notification-border-success: @green;
@notification-border-warning: @gold;
@notification-border-error:   @red;

@notification-icon:           @gray;
@notification-icon-success:   @green;
@notification-icon-warning:   @gold;
@notification-icon-error:     @red;

Sizing variables

@notification-padding__px: 15px;

Default notification

The default notification creates the base for the message that is often hidden and empty, but is modified by scripting in production to update the state and message based on user input.

A default notification
<div class="m-notification
    {% include icons/information-round.svg %}
    <div class="m-notification_content">
        <div class="h4 m-notification_message">A default notification</div>

Optional elements


If your notification requires further explanation, include it in a paragraph following the main message.

A default notification

This is the explanation of the notification.

<div class="m-notification
    {% include icons/information-round.svg %}
    <div class="m-notification_content">
        <div class="h4 m-notification_message">A default notification</div>
        <p class="m-notification_explanation">
            This is the explanation of the notification.

If your notification requires links, include them below the message or explanation as a m-list unordered list.

<div class="m-notification
    {% include icons/information-round.svg %}
    <div class="m-notification_content">
        <div class="h4 m-notification_message">A default notification</div>
        <ul class="m-list m-list__links">
            <li class="m-list_item">
                <a class="m-list_link" href="/">
                    This is a link below the message
            <li class="m-list_item">
                <a class="m-list_link" href="/">
                    This is another link
A default notification

This is the explanation of the notification.

<div class="m-notification
    {% include icons/information-round.svg %}
    <div class="m-notification_content">
        <div class="h4 m-notification_message">A default notification</div>
        <p class="m-notification_explanation">
            This is the explanation of the notification.
        <ul class="m-list m-list__links">
            <li class="m-list_item">
                <a class="m-list_link" href="/">
                    This is a link below the explanation
            <li class="m-list_item">
                <a class="m-list_link" href="/">
                    This is an external link {% include icons/external-link.svg %}

Action notification

The action notification is for displaying when something is happening on the page, such as a page loading notification. This is the default notification appearance without additional CSS modifiers.

The page is loading…
<div class="m-notification
    {% include icons/update.svg %}
    <div class="m-notification_content">
        <div class="h4 m-notification_message">The page is loading…</div>

Success notification

The success notification is for displaying when an operation has run as expected, such as returning the number of results in a search.

11 results
<div class="m-notification
    {% include icons/approved-round.svg %}
    <div class="m-notification_content">
        <div class="h4 m-notification_message">11 results</div>

Warning notification

The warning notification is for displaying when an operation has run as expected, but doesn’t have the expected results, such as a search that returned no results.

No results found.
<div class="m-notification
    {% include icons/warning-round.svg %}
    <div class="m-notification_content">
        <div class="h4 m-notification_message">No results found.</div>

Error notification

The error notification is for displaying when an operation has not run as expected and encountered an error.

Page not found.
<div class="m-notification
    {% include icons/error-round.svg %}
    <div class="m-notification_content">
        <div class="h4 m-notification_message">Page not found.</div>



Notifications are hidden by default; you can toggle their visibility by adding or removing the m-notification__visible class to the base element.