What company is this complaint about?

We’ll forward your entire complaint to each company and request they respond within 15 days of receiving it.

Company information

Based on the issue selected, it appears the complaint actually has to do with a [product], not a [subproduct].

We will forward your complaint to the company and ask for a response.

Currently, this company isn’t signed up to receive complaints through our system.

We are always adding new companies to our system. However, the company you searched for has not yet signed up to receive complaints.

Please provide as much information as possible so we can contact the company. We’ll let you know if we’re able to identify the company and forward your complaint. (optional)

If we determine that another government agency would be able to assist you better, we will forward your complaint to them and let you know.

Include any details that could help us identify the company, such as the location of store branches or descriptions of branding, logos, or advertising.

Do you think your complaint involves the [mortgage company]?

Company information

We will forward your complaint to the company and ask for a response.

This company is not in our complaint system

This company is not currently in our system for receiving complaints. Please provide as much information as possible so that we can contact the company and send them your complaint.

If we find that another government agency would be better able to assist, we will forward your complaint and let you know.

Include any details that can help us identify the company, such as the names of company representatives, locations of store branches, and descriptions of branding and advertising.

Additional company

We will forward your complaint to the company and ask for a response.

This company is not in our complaint system

This company is not currently in our system for receiving complaints. Please provide as much information as possible so that we can contact the company and send them your complaint.

If we find that another government agency would be better able to assist, we will forward your complaint and let you know.

Include any details that can help us identify the company, such as the names of company representatives, locations of store branches, and descriptions of branding and advertising.

Verify company name

This company name is often mistaken for other companies!
Please select the correct company from the list below.

Bankwell Finance

Bank of Wellington Finance

Well Bank Loans

Verify company name

This company name is often mistaken for other companies!
Please select the correct company from the list below.

Kwik Cash

Quick Cash

Kwik Kash