Integrating the Design System into your project

The Design System provides a set of modular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript patterns that can be used both collectively and individually. There are several ways to integrate it into your project:

  1. Build pre-requisites

  2. Installing components in your project

  3. Downloading the compiled CSS and JavaScript

Build pre-requisites

  1. SCSS. Your project will need a way of building .scss files. The Design System uses esbuild for this task.

  2. Embedding SVG icons. There are some instances where SVG icons are embedded in the CSS. The Design System uses a special CSS custom property, --cfpb-background-icon-svg, which gets swapped out with an SVG file from the SVG icons directory. Your build will need to perform that swap, if you are using the source SCSS files and include components that have embedded icons (the drop-down selects, for example). A esbuild script for processing the icons can be found in the Design System project.

Installing components in your project

The Design System is distributed via the npm @cfpb/cfpb-design-system package, which you can install via yarn or npm.

Pick one:

yarn add @cfpb/cfpb-design-system


npm install @cfpb/cfpb-design-system

Folder structure

The folder architecture loosely follows the Sass opinionated style guide, which breaks it down into:

  • abstracts - definition files for variables and global mixins.
  • base - CSS base styling.
  • components - Specific component packages.
  • utilities - Global utilities shared across components.

Additionally, the project has a root directory index.scss and index.js file, which point to the other directory sources.

Import CSS

After installing the Design System via yarn or npm, you’ll be able to import the CSS into your project. This should happen in your main CSS entry-point file.

// Adjust paths to the package as necessary.

@use 'node_modules/@cfpb/cfpb-design-system/src/abstracts' as *;
@use 'node_modules/@cfpb/cfpb-design-system/src/base' as *;
@use 'node_modules/@cfpb/cfpb-design-system/dist/index.css' as *;

Define custom properties

Next you’ll want to define the custom CSS properties (variables) that set the colors and font stack.

@include define-custom-props;

Set official font stack

If the project has access to Avenir Next .woff files, you’ll include a mixin to point to those woff files and create the Avenir Next @font-face rules.

// This is the path for self-hosted fonts.
@include licensed-font('/path/to/the/font/woff/files');

Resolve references

Any file that references Design System variables or mixins, needs to import a reference to where those references are defined. Most often this will mean repeating an import of the abstracts directory in your .scss files.

@use 'node_modules/@cfpb/cfpb-design-system/src/abstracts' as *;

Although discouraged, occasionally you may reference a variable that appears within a component itself, in which case you need to reference that components SCSS, such as:

@use 'node_modules/@cfpb/cfpb-design-system/src/components/cfpb-buttons/button-link' as *;

Import JavaScript

import { Expandable } from '@cfpb/cfpb-design-system';

// initialize all expandables with class .o-expandable

// if they are within an element with id #container

Expandable.init( document.querySelector( '#container' ) );

Downloading the compiled CSS and JavaScript

While we recommend the above installation method to make future updates smaller and safer by allowing you to update one component at a time, there may be some use cases where it’s more appropriate to just grab a snapshot of the full Design System’s compiled CSS and JavaScript and drop it into a page. You can download the compiled Design System CSS and JavaScript from UNPKG.

Download the @cfpb/cfpb-design-system/dist/index.css and @cfpb/cfpb-design-system/dist/index.js files to your project and use standard <link> and <script> tags to include them. For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>


    <title>My Awesome Project</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/cfpb-design-system/dist/index.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/your-project-styles.css">

    <!-- Your project's HTML goes here. -->
    <script src="js/cfpb-design-system/dist/index.js"></script>
    <script src="js/your-project-scripts.js"></script>


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