
Improved Caching

Collab uses the django-cache-tools package to improve Django's basic caching.

You can find the full documentation for django cache tools here:

The basic tools django-cache-tools provides are:

Here are some basic examples:

Keyable Model

Keyable model lets you cache blocks using a caching key to leverage memcached's LRU algorithm.

First, make a model that inherits from KeyableModel:

from cache_tools.models import KeyableModel
# ...
class Profile(KeyableModel):
# Your model stuff

Then, pass the cache key to the cache template tag:

{% load cache %}
{% cache 86400 cache_tools profile.cache_key %}
        Lots of very time consuming code.
{% endcache %}

Group Cache

To cache a page in a group, you just use the cache_page_in_group decorator:
from import cache_page_in_group

def show(req, slug):
# ...

Or, to cache directly in a template:

# cacheable.html

{% get_group_key group_name as group_key %}

{% cache 600 page_title group_key %}
<!-- Long running code -->
{% endcache %}

To expire the group:

from import expire_cache_group
# ...


If you have a view like:
@cache_page(60 * 10)
def show(req, slug):
# ...
# ...
url(r'^profile/(?P<stub>.*)/$', 'show', name='show_profile'),
# ...

Then you can use expire_page like:

from import expire_page
# ...
expire_page(reverse('show_profile', args=(stub,)))