

Collab uses django-widgeter to render widgets on the home page and within apps.

How it works?

Widgeter allows you to create views and templates for blocks of code (widgets). You can add widgets to your application by adding a file in the main module.

Widgets on the Home Page

Collab's home page has two widgeter "blocks": home and home_side. The first one renders blocks in the main home page feed and the second one on the sidebar.


Here is a sample file if you would like to add a widget on the home page sidebar:

from widgeter.base import Widget

class HelloWorld(Widget):
    block = 'home_side'
    priority = '1'
    template = 'hello_world/widget.html'

    def get_context(self, context, options=None):
        return { 'message': u'Hello World!' }

For more information please visit: django-widgeter.