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var PDP = (function ( pdp ) {

  'use strict';

The App Object

The app object stores global app properties and methods.

  var app = {};

Our itty-bitty router.

  window.onhashchange = function(){

Change to the section in the URL and don't change the URL afterward.

    app.changeSection( app.getUrlValue('section'), false );

Cache a reference to the app's jQuery object.

  app.$el = $('#filters');

The current section the user is viewing.

  app.currentSection = 'filters';

The init method is called when the DOM is loaded so we can do some preparation.

  app.init = function() {

    var hashParams = pdp.utils.getHashParams(),
        tooltipPlacement = $( window ).width() > 768 ? 'right' : 'left';

Turn on automatic storage of JSON objects passed as the cookie value.

    $.cookie.json = true;

Activate chosen on select elements and correct a bug that cuts off the placeholder text.

    app.$el.find('select').chosen({ width: '100%', disable_search_threshold: 10, allow_single_deselect: true });
    $('.chzn-container .search-field input').css( 'width', '130%' );

Initialize Bootstrap tooltips

    app.$el.initTooltips({ placement: tooltipPlacement });
    app.$el.find('.share_url').tooltip({ title: 'Copied to clipboard!', trigger: 'manual' });

If there are hash params in the URL OR the only hashParam is to designate which section, grab them and populate the DOM fields.

    if ( !_.isEmpty( hashParams ) ) {
      pdp.query.updateAll({ source: 'url' });

} else if ( !.isEmpty( $.cookie('hmda') ) ) { // Read from the cookie if it exists. pdp.query.updateAll({ source: 'session' });

    } else {

Clear out any cached values.


Give our app a special class.


Broadcast that the app is loaded and good to go.



The start method is called when we're ready for the app to start chooglin'.

  app.start = function() {

    var parents,

Check if any state/msa sections need to be added.


Initialize the form.


Pull any param entries into the DOM.


Check if any fields that were preloaded have dependents we need to show.

    parents = _.map( $('select[data-dependent], input[data-dependent]'), function( el ){
      return $( el ).attr('id');
    pdp.form.checkDeps( parents );

Check if any fields that were preloaded have mutually exclusive fields that need to be disabled.

    toggles = _.map( $('select[data-toggle], input[data-toggle]'), function( el ){
      return $( el ).attr('id');
    pdp.form.checkMutuallyExclusive( toggles );

Check if any filter sections are hiding fields with values.


Hide the preview table.


Change sections if necessary.

    app.changeSection( app.currentSection, false );

Switch it into custom mode if need be.

    if ( !_.isEmpty( pdp.utils.getHashParams() ) ) {
      $('.field.suggested select').val('custom').trigger('liszt:updated');

Broadcast that the app has started.



The startLoading method adds a class to the app's element so we can visualize the loading of content.

  app.startLoading = function() {

The stopLoading method removes the app's loading class.

  app.stopLoading = function() {

The redirect method redirects the browser to a new URL. It is used to send the user to the Qu URL with their results.

  app.redirect = function( url ) {
    window.open( url, '_blank' );

The 'getUrlValue' method returns an object containing a hash params name and value when passed the param's name.

  app.getUrlValue = function( name ) {

    var param,
        params = pdp.utils.getHashParams(),

    if ( name === 'section' ) {
      return typeof params.section !== 'undefined' ? params.section.values : 'filters';

    values = params[ name ].values;

    values = _.map( values, function( v ){
      return pdp.utils.sanitize( v );

Build and return the param's deets.

    param = {
      name: name,
      value: params[ name ].values,
      comparator: params[ name ].comparator

    return param;


The 'getUrlValues' method returns an array of all hash param attributes and values.

  app.getUrlValues = function() {

    var _params = [],
        params = pdp.utils.getHashParams();

    function buildParam( val, name ) {

      var _param = {},
          _values = [],
          values = val.values.split(',');

      values = _.map( values, function( v ){
        return pdp.utils.sanitize( v );

If it's the section hash, save it and abort.

      if ( name === 'section' ) {
        app.currentSection = values;

      _.forEach( values, function( value ){
        _values.push( value );

      _param = {
        name: name,
        values: _values,
        comparator: val.comparator

      _params.push( _param );


    _.forEach( params, buildParam );

    return _params;


The changeSection toggles between the filters and summary tables sections. @section = id of the section to show.

  app.changeSection = function( section, changeUrl ) {

    section = section || this.currentSection;
    changeUrl = typeof changeUrl === 'undefined' ? true : changeUrl;

    if ( !$('#' + section).length ) {
      if ( section instanceof Array ) {
        section = section[0].indexOf('summary') > -1 ? 'summary' : 'filters';
      } else {

    $('nav a.section-toggle ').removeClass('active');
    $('#' + section).removeClass('hidden');
    $('nav a[href=#' + section + '].section-toggle').addClass('active');

Update the current section

    this.currentSection = section;

Update all the DOM fields.


Show relevant filters.


Scroll to the top of the page.


    if ( changeUrl ) {

Update URL hash

      window.location.hash = PDP.query.generateUrlHash();

    if (this.currentSection === 'summary') {
    } else {


Export the public API.

  pdp.app = app;

  return pdp;

}( PDP || {} ));