form.js | |
var PDP = (function ( pdp ) {
'use strict'; | |
The Form ObjectThe | var form = {}; |
Cache a reference to the form's jQuery object and field sections. | form.$el = $('form'); |
Maximum number of locations a person can search on. | form.maxNumLocations = 15; |
Set the starting number of location sets available. | form.locationCount = 1; |
Set a counter so group set IDs are unique (never decremented) | form.locationSetNum = 1; |
Cache a reference to all the filter fields. | form.init = function() {
this.$fields = form.$el.find('.field:not(.ignore)');
if ( !_.isEmpty( pdp.utils.getHashParams() ) ) {
pdp.form.setCustom( 'User modified (see filters below)' );
}; |
Initialize ZeroClipboard on the share button. | form.clip = new ZeroClipboard( $('.share.btn'), {
moviePath: 'static/js/zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard.swf',
hoverClass: 'clipboard-hover'
}); |
When the share URL has been saved to clipboard, show a tooltip for a few seconds. | form.clip.on( 'complete', function(client, args) {
setTimeout( function(){
}, 3000);
}); |
The | form.hideSections = function() {
$('.year .intro').addClass('hidden');
}; |
The | form.showSections = function() {
$('.year .intro').removeClass('hidden');
}; |
The | form.setCustom = function( text ) {
$('.suggested .custom').text( text ).parent('select').trigger('liszt:updated');
}; |
The | form.selectCustom = function(){
}; |
The | form.removeCustom = function(){
$('.suggested .custom').text('').trigger('liszt:updated');
}; |
The | form.showFilter = function( el ) {
var $el = $( el ),
$fields = $el.find('.fields'),
height = Math.max( $, 10 ); |
This is a hack to calculate the height of the DOM element ahead of time so there's no irritating jump when it slides open. | $fields.hide().css( 'height', 0 );
$ {height: height}, 150, 'swing', function(){ |
We set height to auto after the animation so that the div can expand if a lot of items in a 'chosen' select widget are chosen. | $( this ).css('height', 'auto');
$el.removeClass('closed').attr( 'title', '' ); 'filter:shown', el );
}; |
The | form.hideFilter = function( el ) {
$( el ).addClass('closed').attr( 'title', 'Show this filter section' ).find('.fields').slideUp( 200 ); 'filter:hidden', el );
}; |
The | form.checkFilters = function() {
var $el = $( this ),
$parentFilter = $(this).parents('.filter.closed');
if ( pdp.form.hasValue( $el ) && $parentFilter.length > 0 ) {
pdp.form.showFilter( $parentFilter );
}); |
Check if any optional fields needs to be shown. | $('.field.optional').each(function(){
if ( pdp.form.hasValue( $( this ) ) ) {
var children = $( this ).data('optional').split(' ');
_( children ).forEach(function( child ){
pdp.form.toggleOptional( child, 'show' );
}; |
The | form.checkLocations = function() {
var currentLocations = 0,
totalLocations = 1,
currentNum = []; |
Iterate over the param keys and see if any are states or msa's greater than 1. | _.forEach( _.keys( pdp.query.params ), function( param ){
currentNum = param.match(/(state_code|msamd)\-(\d+)$/);
if ( currentNum && currentNum.length > 0 ) {
totalLocations = Math.max( currentNum[2], totalLocations );
}); |
Add the appropriate number of state/msa sections, counting up to the total quantity. | while ( currentLocations < totalLocations ) {
form.addState( currentLocations );
}; |
The 'hasValue' method checks if a field has any value selected. | form.hasValue = function( $el ) {
var $els = $el.find('select, input');
if ( !$els ) {
return false;
} |
If it's a select element or text box | if ( $els.prop('tagName').toLowerCase() === 'select' || $els.attr('type') === 'text' ) {
if ( $els.val() ) {
return $els.val().length > 0;
} |
If it's a checkbox or radio element | } else if ( $els.attr('type') === ( 'checkbox' || 'radio' ) ) {
var any = _.some($els, function(e){
return $(e).prop('checked');
return any;
} |
Return false by default | return false;
}; |
The | form.getField = function( $el ) {
var tagName = $el.prop('tagName').toLowerCase(),
type = $el.attr('type'),
name = $el.attr('name') || undefined,
value = $el.val() && $el.val().indexOf(',') !== -1 ? $el.val().replace( /,/g, '' ) : $el.val(),
field = {},
comparator = '='; |
If the element has no tag name or type, or it has no | if ( !( tagName || type ) || !value ) {
return false;
} |
If it's a radio or checkbox element, abort if it's not selected. Otherwise, remove the empty array from the value name (which really only applies to checkboxes). | if ( type === 'radio' || type === 'checkbox' ) {
if ( !$':checked') ) {
return false;
} else {
name = name.replace( '[]', '' );
} |
Build and return the field's deets. | field = {
name: name,
tagName: tagName,
type: type,
values: value instanceof Array ? value : [ value ],
comparator: _.isEmpty( $'comparator') ) ? '=' : $'comparator')
return field;
}; |
The 'getFields' method returns an array of all fields' attributes and values. | form.getFields = function() {
var fields = [],
$fields =$el.find('.param');
$fields.each( function(){
var $this = $( this ),
field = pdp.form.getField( $this );
if ( field ) {
fields.push( field );
return fields;
}; |
The | form.setField = function( name ) {
var params = pdp.query.params,
field = params[ name ];
_.forEach( field.values, function( val ){ |
Set radios. | $('input[name=' + name + '][value="' + val + '"]').prop('checked', true); |
Set checkboxes. | $('input[name=' + name + '\\[\\]][value="' + val + '"]').prop('checked', true);
}); |
Set selects. | $('select[name=' + name + ']').val( field.values ).trigger('liszt:updated'); |
Set textboxes. | if ( params[name].comparator !== '=' ) {
$('input[type=text][name=' + name + '][data-comparator="' + params[name].comparator + '"]').val( field.values[0] );
} else {
$('input[type=text][name=' + name + ']').val( field.values[0] );
}; |
The | form.setFields = function( options ) {
var opts = options || {},
params = _.keys( pdp.query.params );
function emptyOptions( field, param ) { |
Clear radios. | $('input').prop('checked', false); |
Clear selects. | $('select').val('').trigger('liszt:updated');
_.forEach( params, opts.empty ? emptyOptions : this.setField );
}; |
The | form.updateFieldOptions = function( el, dependencies ) { |
Abort if this isn't a select field | if ( $(el).find('select').length < 1 ) {
return false;
if ( $( el ).find('.spinning').length < 1 ) {
$( el ).append( PDP.templates.spinner );
$( el ).find('.spinning').show(); |
Broadcast that an update is starting. |'update:started'); |
Remove all current options from field. | this.resetField( el ); |
If there's a data-concept attribute, use it, otherwise use the id. This is because some fields have weird concept names (e.g. county_name is fips) | var concept = $(el).find('select').data('concept') || $(el).find('select').attr('id'),
id = $(el).find('select').attr('id'),
conceptProperty = $(el).find('select').data('concept-property') || $(el).find('select').attr('id'),
conceptFetch = this.fetchFieldOptions( concept, dependencies ); |
Fetch form field options and set fields when that request is fulfilled. | conceptFetch.done( function( data ) { |
Grab the id of this element's dependency (e.g. state_code), @TODO rework this as it's kinda dumb and inefficient. | var options,
dependency = $( '[data-dependent~=' + id + ']' ).attr('id').replace( /\-[\w^_]+$/, '' ); |
Only return objects from the JSON that match the the id of the depdency. | function filterDeps( obj ){
return _.contains( dependencies, obj[ dependency ] );
} |
Modify the object to fit the underscore template. | function mapDeps( obj ){
return {
label: obj[ conceptProperty.replace( /\-[\w^_]+$/, '' ) ],
value: obj._id
} |
Modify census tract objects to fit the underscore template (they have a totally different format). | function mapCensus( obj ){
return {
label: obj.census_tract_number,
value: obj.census_tract_number
} |
Sort all the options into alphabetical order. | function sortDeps( obj ){
return obj.label;
} |
FIPS is weird, gotta trim the first two digits of the county ids. | function cleanCounties( obj ) {
if ( concept === 'fips' ) {
return {
label: obj.label,
value: obj.value.toString().substr(2,100)
return obj;
} |
If any data was returned. | if ( typeof data.table !== 'undefined' ) {
options = _( ).filter( filterDeps ).map( mapDeps ).map( cleanCounties ).sortBy( sortDeps ).value();
this.setFieldOptions( el, options ); |
Broadcast that the update has ended. |'field:updated');
} |
Census tract concept data is in a different format. | if ( typeof data.results !== 'undefined' ) {
options = _( data.results ).map( mapCensus ).sortBy( sortDeps ).uniq( true, 'value' ).value();
this.setFieldOptions( el, options ); |
Broadcast that the update has ended. |'field:updated');
$( el ).find('.spinning').hide();
}.bind( this ));
}; |
The | form.setFieldOptions = function( el, options ) {
var dropdown = $( el ).find('select'),
template = PDP.templates.option;
_.forEach( options, function( option ) {
dropdown.append( template( option ) );
}; |
The | form.fetchFieldOptions = function( concept, dependencies ) {
var promise;
switch( concept ) { |
Use custom static data for fips because the concept data doesn't have state_codes in it. | case 'fips':
promise = pdp.utils.getJSON( 'static/js/static_data/concept/fips.json' );
Census tract concept data is a format totally different from normal concept data so we have to handle it in a special way. | case 'census_tract_number':
var state = dependencies.pop();
promise = pdp.utils.getJSON( pdp.query.endpoint + 'slice/census_tracts.' + pdp.query.format + '?&$where=state_code=' + state + '+AND+county_code+IN+(' + dependencies + ')&$limit=3000' );
break; |
Default course for getting concept data. | default:
promise = pdp.utils.getJSON( pdp.query.endpoint + 'concept/' + concept + '.' + pdp.query.format + '?' );
window.prms = promise;
return promise;
}; |
The | form.resetField = function( el ) {
$( el ).find('option').remove();
$( el ).find('select').trigger('liszt:updated');
}; |
The | form.resetFields = function( reset ) {
var $fields = !reset ?$el.find('.param:not(#as_of_year)') :$el.find('.param');
$fields.each( function() {
var param = $( this ).attr('name').replace(/\[\]/g, '\\[\\]'); |
Clear radios and checkboxes | $('input[type=radio][name=' + param + ']').prop('checked', false);
$('input[type=checkbox][name=' + param + ']').prop('checked', false);
$('input[type=text][name=' + param + ']').val('');
$('select[name=' + param + ']').val('').trigger('liszt:updated');
form.checkMutuallyExclusive( param );
}; |
The | form.disableField = function( el ) {
var $el = $( el ),
$select = $el.find('select'),
$el.addClass('disabled').find('select, input, button').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); |
If it's a select element, swap out its placeholder text | if ( !_.isEmpty( $select ) ) {
placeholder = $'pre-placeholder');
$select.attr('data-placeholder', placeholder).trigger('liszt:updated');
return el;
}; |
The | form.enableField = function( el ) {
var $el = $( el ),
$select = $el.find('select'),
$el.removeClass('disabled').find('select, input, button').removeAttr('disabled').trigger('liszt:updated'); |
If it's a select element, swap out its placeholder text | if ( !_.isEmpty( $select ) ) {
placeholder = $'post-placeholder');
$select.attr('data-placeholder', placeholder).trigger('liszt:updated');
return el;
}; |
The | form.hideField = function( el ) {
$( el ).addClass('hidden');
return el;
}; |
The | form.showField = function( el ) {
$( el ).removeClass('hidden');
return el;
}; |
Check if any filter fields need to be shown or hidden. @names = array of param keys (e.g. asofyear) | form.checkDeps = function( names ) { |
Ensure names is an array. | names = names instanceof Array ? names : [ names ]; |
Helper function to emit events | function emit( activity, el, dependencies ) { 'field:' + activity, [el, dependencies] );
_.forEach( names, function( name ){ |
The form field element is passed from the observer. Grab the data-dependent attribute on the form field. | var $el = $( '#' + name ),
dependents = $el.attr('data-dependent'),
$dependents; |
If the form field does in fact have any dependents. | if ( dependents ) { |
Split and join the dependents with hashes if there are multiple so we can reference the appropriate fields by id later. | dependents = dependents.split(' ').join(', #');
$dependents = $( '#' + dependents ).parents('.field'); |
If it has a value, show all of its dependent fields. For each dependent field, broadcast that is has been shown. | if ( $el.val() ) {
_.forEach( $dependents, function( $dependent ){ |
| var dependencies = form.getField( $el ).values; |
Workaround for passing multiple parameters to census tract: If the parent class if county_code, which passes deps to census, then get the value already selected in the "state" field and add it to the dependencies array | if( $el.parent().parent().hasClass('county_code') ){
dependencies.push( $el.closest('.fields').find('li.state_code').find('.chzn-done').val() );
emit( 'shown', $dependent, dependencies );
} else {
_.forEach( $dependents, function( $dependent ){
emit( 'hidden', $dependent, $el.attr('id') );
}; |
Check if any filter fields are mutally exclusive and need to be shown or hidden. @names = array of param keys (e.g. asofyear) | form.checkMutuallyExclusive = function( names ) { |
Ensure names is an array. | names = names instanceof Array ? names : [ names ];
_.forEach( names, function( name ){
var $el = $( '#' + name ),
$partner = $( '.field.' + $'toggle') );
if ( $partner.length > 0 && $el.val() && $el.val().length > 0 ) {
form.disableField( $partner );
} else {
form.enableField( $partner );
}; |
Add a new state/MSA location section thingy. | form.addState = function( num ) {
var template = PDP.templates.location,
tooltipPlacement = $( window ).width() > 768 ? 'right' : 'left';
$('#location-sets').append( template( { num: num } ) ).initTooltips({ placement: tooltipPlacement, container: 'body' });
$( '.location-set-' + num ).find('select').chosen({ width: '100%', disable_search_threshold: 10, allow_single_deselect: true });
If a state is removed from a location query, remove its parent set from the DOM / query | $('#state_code-' + num).on('change', function(evt, params){ |
If no current option is selected, then remove the parent location set | var self = $(this);'field:changed');
if( typeof params === 'undefined') {
self.closest('.location-set').remove(); |
Decrement locationNumber and show Add-State button after removal | pdp.form.locationNumber--;
}; |
Toggle optional sections. @name = name of field (e.g. co_applicant) @action = show/hide | form.toggleOptional = function( name, action ) {
if ( action === 'hide' ) {
$( '.' + name ).addClass('hidden');
} else {
$( '.' + name ).removeClass('hidden');
$( '.include_' + name + ' input[value=1]' ).prop( 'checked', true );
}; |
The | form.updateShareLink = function() {
var hash = pdp.query.generateUrlHash(),
baseUrl = window.location.href.replace(/#.*/, '');
$('.share_url').val( baseUrl + '#' + hash );
}; |
Check to see if a static file has been generated for this API Query string If a static file is present in the mapping, re-route the download function to a static file as indicated in mapping.js | form.checkStatic = function( codeStatus, format ){
var apiCallParams = pdp.query.params,
hmdaMapLoc = fileMap.slices[0].staticFiles; |
Remove the select parameters that may be there after summary table generation | apiCallParams = pdp.query.removeSelectParam( apiCallParams ); |
Get the exact value for comparison with mapping.js | apiCallParams = PDP.query._buildApiQuery(apiCallParams); |
If a static file exists, then return the appropriate URL | if( typeof hmdaMapLoc[apiCallParams] === 'undefined' || typeof hmdaMapLoc[apiCallParams][codeStatus] === 'undefined' || typeof hmdaMapLoc[apiCallParams][codeStatus][format] === 'undefined'){
return false;
} else {
return fileMap.endpoint + hmdaMapLoc[apiCallParams][codeStatus][format] + '.zip';
pdp.form = form;
return pdp;
}( PDP || {} ));