Jump To …
of column headers


@TODO: - refactor to use tidy tables. I didn't realize it was in use when I wrote this - move table.queryParams.clauses properties from arrays to objects. this will create a nicer branch in logic dealing with the calculate by values vs. the three variables [8/19/13 TS]

var PDP = (function ( pdp ) {

  'use strict';

  var table = {};

  table.$el = $('#summary-table-form');
  table.$page = $('#summary');

cache input fields

  table._inputs = {};
  table._inputs.all = $('*[data-summary-table-input]');
  table._inputs.varFields = [$('#variable0'), $('#variable1'), $('#variable2')];
  table._inputs.calculate = $('#calculate-by');

  table.genericError = 'Sorry, something went awry when we tried to load your data. Please try again?';

avert your eyes we could call the api every time or we can just do this this is a subset of all available dimensions anyway

  table.fields = ['action_taken_name','agency_name','applicant_ethnicity_name','applicant_sex_name','applicant_race_name_1','co_applicant_ethnicity_name','co_applicant_race_name_1','co_applicant_sex_name','county_name','denial_reason_name_1','hoepa_status_name','lien_status_name','loan_purpose_name','loan_type_name','msamd_name','owner_occupancy_name','preapproval_name','property_type_name','purchaser_type_name', 'respondent_id', 'state_name', 'as_of_year'];

map for select clause statements and calculate by field values

  table.metrics = {
    'count': {
      'api': 'COUNT()',
      'human': 'Number of records'
    'min_applicant_income_000s': {
      'api': 'MIN(applicant_income_000s)',
      'human': 'Applicant Income Minimum'
    'max_applicant_income_000s': {
      'api': 'MAX(applicant_income_000s)',
      'human': 'Applicant Income Maximum'
    'avg_applicant_income_000s': {
      'api': 'AVG(applicant_income_000s)',
      'human': 'Applicant Income Average'
    'min_loan_amount_000s': {
      'api': 'MIN(loan_amount_000s)',
      'human': 'Loan Amount Minimum'
    'max_loan_amount_000s': {
      'api': 'MAX(loan_amount_000s)',
      'human': 'Loan Amount Maximum'
    'avg_loan_amount_000s': {
      'api': 'AVG(loan_amount_000s)',
      'human': 'Loan Amount Average'
    'sum_loan_amount_000s': {
      'api': 'SUM(loan_amount_000s)',
      'human': 'Loan Amount Sum Total'

stores user-selected variables and calculate-by value these are used in clause generation on submit

  table.fieldVals = {
    variables: [],
    calculate: ''

holds onto user-selected options. consists of clauses object + pdp.query.params

  table.queryParams = {};

clauses = { select|group: ['varname0', 'varname1', 'varname2', 'calculate-by'] }

  table.queryParams.clauses = {};
  table._lastRequestTime = '';
  table._lastTimeout = '';

returns a templated option tag

  table.optionTmpl = function(field, defaultOp) {
    var def = (defaultOp) ? 'selected' : '';

    return '<option value="' + field + '"' + def + '>' + pdp.utils.varToTitle( field ) + '</option>';

fetches field names and populates select options

  table._populateOptions = function() {
    table._populateFields(table._inputs.varFields, table.fields, table.optionTmpl);

populates variable and calculate by fields inputs param: array or jQObjs or single jQObj fields param: array of field values tmpl: function that returns string of html

  table._populateFields = function(inputs, fields, tmpl) {
    var inputsLen = inputs.length,
        fieldsLen = fields.length - 1,
        first = true;

    while (inputsLen--) {
      domField = inputs[inputsLen];

      for (i=0; i<=fieldsLen; i++) {
        domField.append(tmpl(fields[i]), first);

        first = false;

inits chosen library to make pretty form fields

  table._chosenInit = function() {
      width: '100%',
      disable_search_threshold: 10

event handler, called when a form field changes

  table.updateFieldVals = function(e) {
    var value = e.target.value,
        position = e.target.id.substr( -1, 1 ),

if they've selected a placeholder, ignore it a placeholder has no value

    if ($(e.target).find('option[value=' + value + ']').attr('placeholder')) {
      value = '';

    if ( e.target.id === 'calculate-by' ) {
      this.fieldVals.calculate = value;
    } else {
      removedVal = this.fieldVals.variables[position];
      this.fieldVals.variables[position] = value;
      this._updateFields( value );
      if (_.indexOf(this.fieldVals.variables, removedVal) === -1) {
        this._updateFields( removedVal );

hide variables already selected from subsequent drop downs or show variables that are unselected due to column reset

  table._updateFields = function(value) {
    var i;
    for (i=0; i<=2; i++) {
        $('#variable' + i)
          .find('option[value=' + value + ']')
  table._showSpinner = function() {

  table._removeSpinner = function() {

  table._requestData = function() {
    var check, responseJSON, itvl = 10;
    this._lastRequestTime = new Date().getTime();
    responseJSON = pdp.utils.getJSON( pdp.query.generateApiUrl( 'jsonp?$callback=', true, this.queryParams ) + '&$limit=0' );
    responseJSON.timestamp = this._lastRequestTime;
    responseJSON.done(function( response ){
      if (responseJSON.timestamp === table._lastRequestTime) {
        if (response.computing) {

the response isn't ready yet keep checking the API for completion

          table._lastTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
          }, itvl * 1000);
        } else {
          table._handleApiResponse( response );
   * This function performs output formatting of numbers in 1000s to a 
   * US dollar format.; i.e.,"23.52323423" to "$23,523".
   * The method includes multipling the original number by 1000, rounding to 
   * the nearest whole dollar, and then adding comma separators and '$'.
   * The implementation should be something like :
   *    ```amount = Math.round( the_number * 1000 ).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");```
   *    All non numerical values of ``the_number``` should be emitted as blanks; e.g., null and ""
   *    are represented as nothing on the screen.
  table._mungeDollarAmts = function( respData ) {
    var record, column, variable, amount, addCommas, dotIndex, amtParts, num;

for row in results

    for ( record in respData.results ) {
      if ( respData.results.hasOwnProperty( record ) ) {

for variable in row

        for ( column in respData.results[record] ) {

if this is a calculate by field value

          if ( this.metrics.hasOwnProperty( column ) ) {

            num = respData.results[record][column];
            if ( num === null || num === '' || isNaN(num) ) {
              respData.results[record][column] = 'Data not available';
            else if (num < 0) {
              respData.results[record][column] = 'Data format error. A negative number was found in original data: ' + num;

We don't want to add a dollar sign if it's a record count.

            else if ( column === 'count' ) {
              respData.results[record][column] = pdp.utils.commify( num );
            else {
              respData.results[record][column] = '$' + Math.round( num*1000 ).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',');

    return respData;

  table._handleApiResponse = function( response ) {

  table._prepData = function( respData ) {
    respData = this._mungeDollarAmts( respData );

    return respData;

removes table contents resets table headers to current choices

  table.resetTable = function() {
    var $table = $('table#summary-table');

takes query for calculate by field and returns the value representation ex. AVG(applicantincome000s) to avgapplicantincome_000s

  table.queryToVal = function( qstr ) {
    var val, i;

split on parentheses

    val = qstr.split(/\(|\)/);

    i = val.length;
    while (i--) {
      if ( val[i] === '' ) {
        val.splice(i, 1);

    val = val.join('_').toLowerCase();

    return val;

builds out table body from API JSON response data

  table.populateTable = function( responseData ) {
    var total, result, column, i, $tr, cellValue,
        $table = $('table#summary-table'),
        len = responseData.results.length - 1,
        clauses, clauseLen = this.queryParams.clauses.select.length;


    if ( !_.isEmpty(responseData.errors) ) {

    if ( responseData.total === 0 ) {

    for (i=0; i<=len; i++) {
      $tr = $('<tr></tr>');

      for ( column=0; column<clauseLen; column++ ) {

        if ( typeof this.queryParams.clauses.select[column] !== 'undefined' ) {

reads like cellValue = response data object -> iteration we're on -> object key that matches the select clause array item for the inner interation we're on

          cellValue = responseData.results[i][this.queryParams.clauses.select[column]];

the column value won't match on calculate fields w/o some manipulation

          if ( typeof cellValue === 'undefined' ) {
            cellValue = responseData.results[i][this.queryToVal( this.queryParams.clauses.select[column] )];

if it's still undefined, gtfo

            if ( typeof cellValue === 'undefined' ) {
              cellValue = '<em class="not-reported">not reported</em>';
          $tr.append('<td>' + cellValue + '</td>');



  table._throwFetchError = function() {
      pdp.utils.showError( this.genericError );

remove value from variables array

  table.resetColumn = function( clause, position ) {
    var removedVal = this.fieldVals.variables[position];
    this.fieldVals.variables[position] = null;

create structure of table

  table.createTable = function() {
    $('#summary-table-container').append('<table id="summary-table"></table>');
    this.$table = $('table#summary-table');

    return this.$table;


  table.updateTableHeaders = function() {
    var $table = $('table#summary-table'),
        $headerRow = $('<tr class="header"></tr>'),
        columns = this.queryParams.clauses.select.slice(0),
        i, val, fieldVal,
        len = columns.length;

    for (i=0; i<=len; i++) {
      if (typeof columns[i] !== 'undefined') {

3 = array index of calculate by calculate by = 3d vs. 2d since it has value id, query representation and human representation

        if ( i === (len-1) ) {

walk the calculate by or metrics map for the correct title

          fieldVal = this.queryToVal( columns[i] );
          if ( this.metrics.hasOwnProperty( fieldVal ) ) {
            columns[i] = this.metrics[fieldVal].human;
        $headerRow.append('<td id="' + fieldVal + '">' + pdp.utils.varToTitle( columns[i] ) + '</td>');

  table.cancelTimeout = function () {
  table._buildQueryArrays = function (vals) {

build arrays for select and group clauses add filters as where clause

    this.queryParams.clauses = {
      group: vals.variables,
      select: vals.variables.concat([this.metrics[vals.calculate].api]),
      where: pdp.query.params
  table._updateShareLink = function (vals) {

add a select value consisting of variables + calculate-by to query.params

    vals = vals.variables.concat(vals.calculate);
    pdp.query.params.select = {
      comparator: '=',
      values: vals
  table._prepFieldVals = function () {

extract non-empty values from fieldVals.variables ensure that there is a value for calculate

    return {
      variables: pdp.utils.nonEmptyValues(this.fieldVals.variables),
      calculate: this.fieldVals.calculate || 'count'

  table._disableTable = function () {
    pdp.form.disableField( $('#summary .instructions') );
    pdp.form.disableField( $('#summary .drop-downs') );
    pdp.form.disableField( $('#download-summary .action') );

  table._enableTable = function () {
    pdp.form.enableField( $('#summary .instructions') );
    pdp.form.enableField( $('#summary .drop-downs') );
    pdp.form.enableField( $('#download-summary .action') );
  table.setupTable = function () {
    var queryVals = this._prepFieldVals();
    if (queryVals.variables.length > 0) {
  table._extractValuesFromUrlParams = function (vals) {
    _.each(vals, function (param, ind) {
      if (table.metrics[param]) {

this is the calculate by value

        table.fieldVals.calculate = param;
      } else {

perform some basic validation on the variable params they should be unique, in the field options list, and not exceed 3

        if (_.indexOf(table.fields, param) !== -1 && _.indexOf(table.fieldVals.variables, param) === -1 && table.fieldVals.variables.length < 3) {
  table._updateSummaryFields = function () {

update variable & calculate-by select values to match fieldVals

    var i, val;
    for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
      if (table.fieldVals.variables[i]) {
        val = table.fieldVals.variables[i];
    if (table.fieldVals.calculate) {
  table._updateSummaryFieldsUI = function () {

conditionally display reset links based on number of variables chosen

    var reset_fields,
        num = table.fieldVals.variables.length;
    if (num > 1) {
      reset_fields = (num === 2) ? $('#reset-variable1') : $('#reset-variable1, #reset-variable2');
    } else {
      $('#variable2').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('liszt:updated');
  table.showTableFromUrlParams = function (params) {

  table.init = function() {
    var selectParams;
    table.$page.find('.share_url').tooltip({ title: 'Copied to clipboard!', trigger: 'manual' });
    table.$page.initTooltips({ placement: 'right' });

    $('#calculate-by option').each(function(){
      var short = $( this ).text();
      $( this ).attr( 'data-abbr', short );

check for select values in params

    selectParams = ((pdp.query.params.select || {}).values || []);
    if (selectParams.length > 0) {
    } else {

fields should be disabled until a first variable is selected we don't want users selecting subsequent vars when earlier ones are undefined

      $('#variable1, #variable2, #calculate-by').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('liszt:updated');

event listener for form changes

    this._inputs.all.on('change', function(e) {

      if (e.target.id !== 'calculate-by') {
        var position = e.target.id.substr( -1, 1 );

enable subsequent variable field and calculate-by field

        $('#calculate-by, #variable'.concat(++position)).removeAttr('disabled').trigger('liszt:updated');

if this is variable 1 or 2, they're eligible to be removed, show link

        if (position > 0) {
          $('#reset-' + e.target.id).removeClass('hidden');
      } else {

        var val = $('#calculate-by').val(),
            long = $( '#calculate-by option[value=' + $('#calculate-by').val() + ']' ).attr('data-verbose') || val;

        $('#calculate-by option').each(function(){
          var short = $( this ).attr('data-abbr');
          $( this ).text( short );
        $( '#calculate-by option[value=' + val + ']' ).text( long );



    $('.reset-field').on('click', function(e) {
      var position = e.target.id.substr( -1, 1 ),
          clause = e.target.getAttribute('data-summary-table-input');

      this.resetColumn( clause, position );
      $('#variable' + position)
        .prop('selected', true)

      $('#variable'.concat(++position)).attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('liszt:updated');

    }.bind( this ));
    $('#summary-submit').on('click', function(e) {
      track( 'Page Interaction', 'Click Submit', 'Generate Summary Table' );

The disableDownload method disables the summary table download block.

  table.disableDownload = function() {

    var $el = $('#download-summary');

    $el.addClass('disabled').find('select, input').attr('disabled', 'disabled');


The enableDownload method enables the summary table download block.

  table.enableDownload = function() {

    var $el = $('#download-summary');

    $el.removeClass('disabled').find('select, input').removeAttr('disabled');


  pdp.summaryTable = table;

  return pdp;

}( PDP || {} ));