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var PDP = (function ( pdp ) {

  'use strict';

The Query Object

The query object is used to cache filter values and store methods that manipulate filter values.

  var query = {};

If debug is set to true, dummy data will be used.

  query.debug = false;

Set a default format for the data download.

  query.format = query.debug ? 'json' : 'jsonp?$callback=';

Set a default endpoint for AJAX requests.

  query.endpoint = query.debug ? 'static/js/static_data/' : 'https://api.consumerfinance.gov/data/hmda/';

Seconds to wait on a response from the API before giving up.

  query.secondsToWait = 300;

Whether or not they want codes in their downloaded file.

  query.codes = false;

query's params stores filter values.

  query.params = {};

The reset method empties the params object. If a preset is passed, some defaults will be set.

  query.reset = function( preset ) {

The year is selected independent of the preset, because of this we have to ensure it doesn't get overwritten.

    var years = $('.field.as_of_year select').val() || [2013];

    switch( preset ) {

All originated mortgages.

      case 'originations':
        this.params = {
          as_of_year: {
            values: years,
            comparator: '='
          action_taken: {
            values: [1],
            comparator: '='

First-lien, owner-occupied, 1-4 family homes (including manufactured homes).

      case 'common':
        this.params = {
          as_of_year: {
            values: years,
            comparator: '='
          property_type: {
            values: [1,2],
            comparator: '='
          owner_occupancy: {
            values: [1],
            comparator: '='
          lien_status: {
            values: [1],
            comparator: '='
          action_taken: {
            values: [1],
            comparator: '='

Default to an empty state with whatever years they've selected.

      case 'all':
        this.params = {
          as_of_year: {
            values: years,
            comparator: '='

Empty everything.

      case 'clear':
        this.params = {};

Default to an empty state with whatever years they've selected.

        this.params = {
          as_of_year: {
            values: [2013],
            comparator: '='


    return this;


The updateAll method runs through all the filter field values the user has selected and stores them in the params object.

  query.updateAll = function( options ) {

    var fields,
        opts = options || {};

    switch( opts.source ) {
      case 'url':
        fields = pdp.app.getUrlValues();

State is stored in a cookie. Removing this functionality for now because it's confusing the UX team. I'd rather work on other stuff than explain to them how this works. Winter is coming. case 'session': fields = pdp.query.getCookie(); break;

        fields = pdp.form.getFields();


Iterate over all the filter field values and push them into query.params.

    function _processField( field ) {

      if ( field.name && field.values ) {

Initalize an empty param object if need be.

        if ( typeof query.params[ field.name ] === 'undefined' ) {
          query.params[ field.name ] = {
            values: [],
            comparator: '='

If the value is a string from a text box we don't want to iterate over it because it will be split up the characters.

        if ( field.type === 'text' ) {
          query.params[ field.name ].values = [ field.values ];
        } else {
          _.forEach( field.values, function( val, name ){

            var values = query.params[ field.name ].values;

Only push the value if it's not already in there.

            if ( !_.contains( values, val ) ) {
              values.push( val );


        query.params[ field.name ].comparator = field.comparator;



    _.forEach( fields, _processField );

    pdp.observer.emitEvent( 'params:updated' );


The setCookie method stores the param object in a cookie.

  query.setCookie = function() {

    $.cookie( '_hmda', pdp.form.getFields(), { expires: 1 } );


The getCookie method retrives the param object from a cookie.

  query.getCookie = function() {

    return $.cookie( '_hmda' );


The generateUrlHash method builds and returns a URL hash from query's params.

  query.generateUrlHash = function() {
    var hash,
        hashParams = [];

Loop through params, stringify them and push them into the temp array.

    function buildHashParam( param, name ) {

      if ( !param.values[0] ) {

If it's not a number, add quotes around the params.

      hashParams.push( name + param.comparator + param.values.join(',') );

    _.forEach( query.params, buildHashParam );

    hash = '!/' + hashParams.join('&') + '&section=' + pdp.app.currentSection;
    return hash;

  query.removeSelectParam = function (params) {

using a copy of the params means that the select obj is still available on query.params for share url generation

    var paramsCopy = $.extend(true, {}, params);
    try {
      delete paramsCopy.clauses.where.select;
    } catch (e) {

nested property doesn't exist

    delete paramsCopy.select;
    return paramsCopy;

The generateApiUrl method builds and returns a Qu URL from query's params.

  query.generateApiUrl = function( format, codes, params ) {
    var url,
        apiCallParams = params || this.params,
        showCodes = codes || this.codes,
        downloadFormat = format || this.format;

remove 'select' from params so it won't be added to where clause

    apiCallParams = query.removeSelectParam(apiCallParams);

Set a base url to append params to

    url = this.endpoint + 'slice/hmda_lar.' + downloadFormat + '?';

    if ( !showCodes ) {
      apiCallParams = {
        clauses: {
          where: apiCallParams,
          select: ['action_taken_name','agency_abbr','agency_name','applicant_ethnicity_name','applicant_race_name_1','applicant_race_name_2','applicant_race_name_3','applicant_race_name_4','applicant_race_name_5','applicant_sex_name','application_date_indicator','as_of_year','census_tract_number','co_applicant_ethnicity_name','co_applicant_race_name_1','co_applicant_race_name_2','co_applicant_race_name_3','co_applicant_race_name_4','co_applicant_race_name_5','co_applicant_sex_name','county_name','denial_reason_name_1','denial_reason_name_2','denial_reason_name_3','edit_status_name','hoepa_status_name','lien_status_name','loan_purpose_name','loan_type_name','msamd_name','owner_occupancy_name','preapproval_name','property_type_name','purchaser_type_name','respondent_id','sequence_number','state_abbr','state_name','applicant_income_000s','hud_median_family_income','loan_amount_000s','number_of_1_to_4_family_units','number_of_owner_occupied_units','minority_population','population','rate_spread','tract_to_msamd_income']

fetch, compile queries

    url += this._buildApiQuery( apiCallParams );

    return url;


builds the query string to append to api url arg: params, object. if you only need a 'where' clause, passing in query.params will do just fine if you need to use the 'select' and 'group' clauses, pass an object that has a property 'clauses' with an array of objects that correspond to each clause. example: params = { clauses: { select: ['varone', 'vartwo'], group: ['varone', 'vartwo'] } }

  query._buildApiQuery = function( params ) {
    var url = '', key;

    if ( params.hasOwnProperty('clauses') ) {
      for ( key in params.clauses ) {
        if ( params.clauses.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
          url += this._buildClause[key]( params.clauses[key] );
    } else {
      url = this._buildClause.where( params );

    return url;


methods correspond to each type of clause that the API takes builds part of api call query string pertaining to clause

  query._buildClause = {

Convert each param to a proper $where clause.

    where: function( params ) {

      var _params = {},
          queryVals = [],
          locVals = [],
          locGroup = {}, //Create a group that finds state / counties with similar numbers.

In order to compensate for enumerated location fields (statecode-1, countyname-1, etc.) we have to go through and consolidate all enumerated params into unified objects.

      _.forEach( params, function( param, paramName ) {

joiner used to allow for congifurable AND/OR statements in query

        param.joiner = ' AND ';

        if ( !param.values || !param.values[0] ) {

        var consolidatedName, groupName;

If the parameter is an enumerated (state-code-1) field then

        if ( paramName.match(/\-\d+$/) ) {

If this is a special case with county, state, or census tract then they needs to be grouped together as an object for appropriate query creation

          if ( paramName.indexOf('state_code') > -1 || paramName.indexOf('county_code') > -1 || paramName.indexOf('census_tract_number') > -1 ){

If a number exists, create a location group to bring city, state, and census tract together

            groupName = paramName.slice(-2);

Initialize an empty location group if necessary

            if( typeof locGroup[ groupName ] === 'undefined' ){
              locGroup[ groupName ] = {
                stateValue: '',
                countyValues: [],
                censusValues: [],
                comparator: '=',
                joiner: ' OR '

Loop through each location group parameter and push it to the appropriate object

            _.forEach( param.values, function( value ){
              if ( paramName.indexOf('state_code') > -1 ){
                locGroup[ groupName ].stateValue = value;             
              } else if ( paramName.indexOf('county_code') > -1 ){
                locGroup[ groupName ].countyValues.push( value );
              } else if ( paramName.indexOf('census_tract_number') > -1 ){
                locGroup[ groupName ].censusValues.push( '"' + value + '"' );

If not state, county, census, then create a consolidated parameter (ie 'msamd')

          } else {

Initalize an empty param object if need be.

            consolidatedName = paramName.replace(/\-\d+$/, '');
            if ( typeof _params[ consolidatedName ] === 'undefined' ) {
              _params[ consolidatedName ] = {
                values: [],
                comparator: '=',
                joiner: ' AND '

            _.forEach( param.values, function( value ){
              _params[ consolidatedName ].values.push( value );

If the parameter is NOT an enumerated field, push it to _params

        } else {
          _params[ paramName ] = param;

We can now get back to business and generate that WERECLAWS

      _.forEach( _params, function( param, paramName ) {

        var paramVals;

Strip -min/max from the end of the param. This is mainly done for the loanamount000s fields.

        paramName = paramName.replace( /\-(min|max)$/, '' );
        paramVals = this._formatComparisonValues( param, paramName );

If calling msamd, then it needs to be joined to location data with "OR" and placed at end of array

        if( paramName.indexOf('msamd') > -1 ){
          param.joiner = ' OR ';
          locVals.push( paramVals );
          locVals.push( param.joiner );

Otherwise, push the parameter to the queryVals array which is joined first (below)

        } else {
          queryVals.push( paramVals );
      }.bind( this ));

For each location group, iterate through and create valid, grouped query string

      _.forEach( locGroup, function(i, val){
        var queryStr = '', item = locGroup[val];
        if( item.stateValue === '' ){
        } else if( item.countyValues.length === 0 && item.censusValues.length === 0 ){
            queryStr += 'state_code=' + item.stateValue;
        } else if( item.countyValues.length === 0 && item.censusValues.length > 0 ){
            queryStr += '(state_code=' + item.stateValue + ' AND census_tract_number IN (' + item.censusValues + '))';
        } else if( item.censusValues.length === 0 ){
          queryStr += '(state_code=' + item.stateValue + ' AND county_code IN (' + item.countyValues.toString() + '))';
        } else {
          queryStr += '(state_code=' + item.stateValue + ' AND county_code IN (' + item.countyValues.toString() + ') AND census_tract_number IN (' + item.censusValues.toString() + '))';

      locVals.pop(); //Get rid of the last joiner / operator - not needed.

Add each queryVals parameter and their joiner string to where variable

      if( queryVals.length > 0 ){
        where = queryVals.join(' AND ');  

If location information selected, then join that to the existing query

        if( locVals.length > 0 ){
          where += ' AND (' + locVals.join('') + ')';
      } else {

If no queryvals exist, set to empty and append any location filter without AND

        where = '';
        if( locVals.length > 0 ){
          where += '(' + locVals.join('') + ')';

A REGEX used to be here that substituted in certain scenarios - this was not sufficient for the use case.

Encode for URIs and replace spaces with plus signs.

      return '&$where=' + encodeURI( where ).replace( /%20/g, '+' );


select and group clauses are formatted the same way sans name

    select: function( param ) {
      return '&$select=' + this._listVals( param );

    group: function( param ) {
      return '&$group=' + this._listVals( param ) + '&$orderBy=' + this._listVals( _.clone( param ).reverse() );

formats single value clauses returns string of comma-delimited values

    _listVals: function( param ) {

      var i = param.length,
          str = '';

      while( i-- ) {
        if ( typeof param[i] !== 'undefined' ) {
          str += param[i];

if this is not the last value, add comma

          if ( i > 0 ) {
            str += ',';

      return str;

formats api call values that have a comparison operator

    _formatComparisonValues: function( param, paramName ){

      var paramVal,
          paramVals = [];

If there's only value for the param, meaning they only selected one item or it's a radio button that only allows once value, add the stringified param to the queryVals array.

      if ( param.values.length === 1 ) {

Rate spread specialness

        if ( param.values[0] == 'null' ) {
          paramVal = paramName + param.comparator + '""';


        } else if ( isNaN( param.values[0] ) || paramName === 'msamd' || paramName === 'respondent_id' || paramName === 'census_tract_number' ) {
          paramVal = paramName + param.comparator + '"' + param.values[0] + '"';


        } else {
          paramVal = paramName + param.comparator + param.values[0];

        return paramVal;

If there are multiple values for a single parameter, we iterate over them and put an OR operator between them. We then then group them with parens and add the grouping to the params array.

      } else {

        _.forEach( param.values, function( val, key ){

          if ( isNaN( val ) || paramName === 'msamd' || paramName === 'respondent_id' || paramName === 'census_tract_number' ) {
            paramVals.push( '"' + val + '"' );
          } else {
            paramVals.push( val );


        return paramName + ' IN (' + paramVals + ')';




The fetch method requests and returns JSON from Qu matching the user's filter and grouping clauses

  query.fetch = function() {


Export the public API.

  pdp.query = query;

  return pdp;

}( PDP || {} ));